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3 Signs It's Time to Get Your Hardwood Floors Refinished

3 signs its time to get your hardwood floors refinished

If you are looking to make an investment in your home, it is tough to find something that can pay off quite as well as new hardwood flooring. Hardwood flooring can last you for a lifetime, but in order to do so, they generally require a bit of care and regular maintenance from time to time. If you are familiar with hardwood flooring, then you know that at some point or another, they are going to need to be sanded and refinished again, but most homeowners aren't sure how often this needs to be done. Fortunately, there are some signs that you can be on the lookout for that will help to alert you as to when your hardwood flooring is in need of it. While some of these signs are fairly obvious, there are others that might be harder to notice, especially if you aren't sure about what it is that you should be looking out for to begin with. To help you in this effort, our team of Minneapolis hardwood flooring contractors have taken the time to put together this short list that highlights several of the common signs to lookout for that might help you recognize when it's time to have your hardwood floors professionally refinished.

Heavy Scratching

Having a large number of scratches on your hardwood flooring is a pretty clear, and somewhat obvious sign that your floors are in need of a good refinishing, especially if any of those scratches have made it through the stain on your floorboards. While some scratching is normal, and they typically aren't something you should see as out of the ordinary, having a floor that is covered in scratches, especially when they are in areas that are difficult to cover up with a rug or the like, it might be time to look into refinishing. Most scratching on your hardwood floors is going to be topical, and will come out with a little bit of sanding, but for larger gouges and the like, you might wind up having to replace entire boards.

Gray Or Black Boards

If you notice that any of your floor boards are turning gray, and that wasn't the color of their stain when you put them in place, it is most definitely time to have them refinished before they start suffering any more damage. When your hardwood floors start to turn gray, it is a clear sign that the polyurethane is wearing off, and when this happens, it means that your floors might be absorbing water. Whether from rain, snow, spilled drinks, or even just water that you or your pets track in, this moisture is going to continue to seep into your home's floors until the wood turns black, at which point your only option is going to be a total replacement of your flooring. If you have boards on your hardwood flooring that have already turned black, it's too late for those particular parts. At this point, your best option is to just bite the bullet and replace the boards that are affected before they can cause damage to the rest of your floor.

Water Damage

If your hardwood flooring has sustained water damage, you might see separation between your floorboards, or notice that some of them have started cupping. If your boards are cupping just a bit, this can usually be taken care of with a little bit of dedicated sanding, but if your boards have major separation, you are likely going to have to have them replaced.

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If you are looking for a Minneapolis hardwood flooring company then please call 612-910-5725 or complete our online request form.